• Are Consults Free?


  • Why do Cases take Longer?

    The American Court system is complicated! To ensure that we help you get the outcome that you want, please understand that cases take time. We need to collect records, conduct depositions, and possibly take your case to court. There are thousands of cases going through the same process, and only so many days in a year. Please be patient with us, as we are trying to ensure that you can get the best outcome attainable.

  • How Long will My Case Take?

    Each case varies. A simple fender bender might take much less time than a medical malpractice case. On average, cases can average around 20-30 months.

  • How Much will it Cost to Retain an Attorney?

    Here at our firm, we value our clients first. If we take your case, you do not have to pay us until we win or settle your case for you. In the scenario where we may lose in court, you do not have to pay us a dime. Plain and simple. We are that confident in our abilities that we will be able to get money in your pocket.

  • Do I need to Hire an Attorney now or should I Wait?

    It is almost always most advantageous in obtaining a successful outcome, to retain an attorney as soon as possible. Failure to do so can result in negative outcomes due to loss of evidence, loss of opportunity to interview witnesses, as well as protecting your rights in pursuing a claim or litigation. This is particularly true of cases involving a Hit and Run accident.

  • Can I get a Loan Prior to Resolving my Lawsuit?

    Lawyers are ethically barred from loaning clients any money other than advancing and paying for case costs. There are private companies who make these types of loans at exorbitant interest rates. If desperate to do so, we will cooperate with these private loan companies when you request us to do so.

  • Do I Need to Follow my Doctor’s Advice?

    You have the right to seek a second opinion, but you have a legal duty to follow your doctor’s advice your care (i.e. showing up to your appointments, scheduling and attending physical therapy, etc.) The only exception is that you have the ultimate right to decide whether or not if you will submit to a surgical procedure without consequence.

  • Should I use my own Health Insurance or the Defandant’s Auto Insurance to Pay for my Medical Bills?

    It is almost always in your best financial interest to put your medical billing through your own health insurance coverage. Inquire of your attorney of what makes sense in your specific case.